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International School of Volcanology

Cosa convegni
Quando 20/09/2008 08:00 al
24/09/2008 17:00
Dove Stromboli - Isole Eolie - Italy
Persona di riferimento M. Pompilio
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Volcanic Processes in Basaltic volcanic islands: learning from monitoring and research activities of the recent eruptive crises of Stromboli

The eruptive crises that occurred in 2002-2003 and in 2007 at Stromboli, represent major hazardous events in the recent history of the volcano and have triggered an impor tant civil protection and scientific response. The two events were scientifically well documented thanks to the continu ous record of a large number of monitoring parameters, the execution of periodic surveys and also the collection of detailed field and laboratory data. The scientific effort has resulted in important advancements on our understanding of how a permanently active, basaltic volcano works both in terms of volcanic and gravity-driven slope processes. The onset of the 2002-2003 crisis was followed by the setting up of the COA (Centro Operativo Avanzato) a now perma nent scientific/civil protection structure where signals of volcano monitoring are visualized in real time and used by the personnel of the Department of Civil Protection. The school will offer to participants a broad spectrum of topics from the different monitoring techniques (geophysical and geochemical) to various types of research activities. It will also demonstrate the benefits of integration and discussion of different research activities which ultimately improve our understanding of how a basalt volcanic island works and in what way the monitoring activity can be effectively used to foresee impending, potentially dangerous events

Target for the school will be graduate, PhD students and post-doc in volcanology (max number of participants: 35). Deadline for early registration is 30th June 2008 with final registration before 25th July 2008. 
Further details on school program, registration, travel, will be soon available in a second circular on the AIV website